miércoles, 21 de marzo de 2012

Practicum Reflection

first of all my practicum was a very good experience, for being the first time that i was in a class room , i mean as a teacher or future teacher , was an incredible experience.

I was in a public school named " Humberto Vilches" located in 11 north,liberty street. I was working with a 7 grade with 36 or 40 students .

the course in general had a low level of english but they were very  enthusiastic in his teaching proccess , they participated a lot during the classes.

i had a full support of the teacher during this proccess , i learn lots of thing of her classes , I really like her class  management, how she applied the content , i mean i didn't know nothing about teaching methods at then , so i think that i learn a lot without knowing what important thing i was learning .

also what i learn the most , and i think that was very important point , was that i learn a lot about  the school administation , because i think that we as future teacher we need a full support of the school and in this case the school   they have this principle very present in his daily  practicum .

the next images are part of my practicum exam , and i think that with this you could be understand a little bit better what i said before.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

march 12

Summary of  my very first methodology  class


        English                                                                                      Our lessons should be interactive
       Practicum                                                                                                           Relevant
     Assessment                                                                                                     Full of content    Teaching Resources                                                                                                    in L2



We need to have                                                                                                 Skills Based on                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
   Strategies                                                                                                          Communication
                                                                                                               According the use and context                              

Teaching in our country  (differences between types of schools)

-Public schools (low)
-Private (good)
-half and half schools (some good ones, and others not so good)


-low motivation
-not enough time
-lack of techniques
-lack of control
-cultural context
-committed teachers- qualified
-lack of materials /resources